
cool stuff and oscilloscopes
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Today I mostly fixed the output/rendering of the ‘live’ server I implemented yesterday.

I changed the URL scheme, it no longer uses headers, which made it hard to link to resources through <link> and <script> tags. Instead the path, facet-name and type are now all part of the URI:

URI fileder path facet name type
/fileder/facet: type/subtype -> wrapped/type /path/to/fileder facet type/subtype -> wrapped/type
/fileder/: some/type /fileder (default facet) some/type
/fileder/alternate: /fileder alternate text/html (default type)
/path /path (default facet) text/html (default type)
/ / (default facet) text/html (default type)

The fileder-index metadata was moved to a ?index ‘pseudofacet’ (e.g. /fileder/?index).

EDIT 2019-10-09:

I will take this chance to show and hopefully explain the point of this all again: With the system running it is now possible to demonstrate the type-coercion that powers the system.

In the system, every piece of data (the facets) is stored together with it’s type. When requesting data, it can of course be loaded with that type, yielding the data unmodified, but it is also possible to demand a different type that may be more useful to the receiving application.

as an example we can take for example this article about one of the internal libraries for writing HTML documents: /meta/mmm.dom/.

The path /meta/mmm.dom/ corresponds, according to the table above, to the default facet of the /meta/mmm.dom fileder, and since no type was specified, it is assumed that the browser wants a text/html document. The follwing path gives the same result, but makes this explicit:

now, instead of asking for the rendered HTML document, we can also ask for the source, which is of the type text/moonscript -> mmm/dom (a Moonscript file that evaluates to a website-fragment):
meta/mmm.dom/:text/moonscript -> mmm/dom

the source code was written in MoonScript, which compiles to Lua before it is executed. We can also ask the server to do that for us: text/lua -> mmm/dom (a Lua file that evaluates to a website-fragment):
meta/mmm.dom/:text/lua -> mmm/dom

or, we could ask for the generated html fragment, but without the full HTML layout around it - that would be the type text/html+frag, as mentioned in the last post:

lastly, we could also ask the system to generate a link to this content, in the text/html format (URL -> text/html):
meta/mmm.dom/:URL -> text/html
this might seem somewhat redundant, since we need a link to access this link, but it can be useful when a component cannot work with binary data directly, e.g. when mentioning or embedding an image or a video file.

I also added support to the server for serving static assets (e.g. the CSS stylesheet) from the static directory. These files are accessible through the /.static/ route (e.g. /.static/main.css), where they shouldn’t interfere with the mmmfs contents. With the layout adjsuted to use these new paths, the live server now looks properly styled again too!

Finally I worked on the Dockerfile and my deployment a bit, so that my updates to the code will now be automatically applied to my test site, which is available at ba.s-ol.nu (which might be where you are reading this right now!).